Our network
The registered office of CBDS Consulting Group is established in Dakar.
CBDS operates a branch office in Germany, and is also doing business,
through its representatives, in The Gambia, in Guinea-BissaU, Guinea-Conakry,
Mali and Mauritania.
The group is a member of the following organizations:
Confédération Nationale des Employeurs du Sénégal (CNES)
Mouvement des Professionnels de l’Automobile (MPA)
Fédération de l’Industrie
Fédération du Commerce et Services
Association Patronale Sénégalo-Allemande (APASENA)
Union Sénégalaise des Importateurs et Distributeurs d'Accessoires automobiles
et de Pneumatique d'Occasion (USIDAPO)
Regroupement des Importateurs de Véhicules d'Occasion Poids lourds (RIVOP)
For further information on doing business in Westafrica
Please consult the page
»Useful links«.